Demos in a nutshell
We developed a platform where citizens could participate in the law creation process for the first time. I volunteer as a UX designer for this project, among others for the Partido de la red.
Demos was a platform developed in collaboration with the BA Legislature that allowed citizens to choose three law proposals in order to be prioritized in the legislator’s official agenda.
As this was a project of the BA Legislature, the first step was to understand all the limitations established by the contract. The main challenge was to merge two different user journeys: the first one involved the legislators and their proposals and the second one, the proposals voted by the citizens.
We prototyped different layouts for listing all the projects in one view. But after testing it with other citizens we learned that it would be clearer to show them one by one in a card format.
User Interface
The challenge of the UI resided in being able to give an impartial and institutional context to the projects, but at the same time display each political party’s identities so that their projects could be easily identified by citizens. We solved it by allowing the administrators to customize their project cards.
During the first week, the platform already had more than 40.000 votes registered. Being the first initiative of this kind, the press repercussion was huge.